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Traffic and People

Sunday was such a specail day worshiping with our Brazilian brothers and sisters in Christ. Jay preached through a translator Sunday morning and Sunday evening and Jonathan led a few songs in English. It was a very special experience and God worked through both services.

Please be praying for our team and the missionaries here. We are doing follow-up visits with the locals here that have just professed new faith in Christ or are interested in learning more about Jesus. These in-home visits are where great connections are made and Bible Studies will be born out of these. The culture here is very immersed in spiritism and whitch craft. Many homes that we've been in are practicing satanic rituals and involved in heavy drug abuse. But God is powerful and can change these amazing peoples hearts. We deeply covet your prayers for protection and God's power as we continue to work.

And.......the traffic here is CRAZY! What we consider lanes are more like suggestions (2 lanes = 3 or 4 cars) and pot holes could swallow your car! But it's a fun adventure everytime we go out.

Jonathan with the band. Not a word of English and yet we understood each other because of our bond in Christ and our love for music.

Jay and our missionary and translator, Joel, preaching the Sunday night service. It was a powerful message on the tower of Babel....great message to preach through a translator!

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