COVID-19 Noonday Updates
UPDATE: Thursday, July 2, 2020
Dear Noonday Family:
Freedom. As we head into this July 4th weekend our thoughts may be consumed with fireworks and picnics but let’s take a moment to consider what we are actually celebrating on this national holiday. Freedom. Our country was founded on it. We celebrate this day in honor of the signing of our country’s Declaration of Independence. A declaration that states that people “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Our Forefathers knew that God created human beings to be free. As a country, we celebrate that freedom of independence as a right to do what we want to do in the “land of the free.” But the kind of freedom found in Jesus goes far beyond this. Jesus says in Luke 4 that He came to “proclaim freedom.” God’s plan for our freedom has always been Jesus Christ. God gave us freedom over the power of sin and the freedom to live a life of righteousness. This Sunday, we will talk about “Total Freedom” and God’s plan from the very beginning, for Freedom for All.
“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command; “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Galatians 5:13-14 NIV
This week, we will continue worshiping together in the Worship Center with one service only at 10:00am while streaming live on YouTube at the same time. For those of you joining us live, we will continue to operate under our Phase One guidelines outlined below. Please remember not to gather in the Foyer on arrival or departure but to make your way in and out of the Worship Center without stopping to gather. Let’s please remember to keep on Loving our Neighbors and Keeping our Distance!
Designated Traffic Flow at Entry
Entry into the Worship Center will be through the main doors in the Foyer only.
Entrance doors will not open until 9:30am. Please do not arrive before this time.
There will be no entry into the downstairs area, the elevators, or any classroom hallways. All downstairs outside doors will remain locked with no entry.
Main Entrance doors on the far LEFT side will be propped open for one entry point only. The doors on the right side will be closed with no entry.
Volunteers will take a quick forehead temperature of each person entering the building. Any temperature of 101 degrees or over after 2 attempts will not be allowed to enter.
If a line forms, please remember to keep your distance.
Once inside, please go directly into the Worship Center with no gathering in the Foyer area.
Non-Touch Greetings Only
Please remember to greet each other with “Air High Fives” and Elbow Bumps only.
Sorry but no Hugs or handshakes just yet, no matter how much we want to!
Face Masks
Face masks will be provided at a table in the Foyer. We encourage everyone to wear a mask, especially while singing.
You may pick up a mask from the table but only touch the one you intend to pick up. Parents, please help your children not to touch any masks on the table.
All volunteers will wear masks at all times.
In the Worship Center, chairs will be set up with 6 foot distancing. Deacons will be on hand to help guide families to their seating areas.
Dismissal will be by small groups and led by our Deacons. Please wait until you are dismissed to exit the Worship Center.
Limited Monitored Restrooms
The only restrooms open will be the ones off the Foyer upstairs.
There will be a volunteer outside each restroom door to monitor limited entry at one time (2 people only allowed at a time) and to disinfect after use as needed.
Hand Sanitizer Spray Stations will be set up and are encouraged for use.
Online Streaming:
Online streaming continues at 10:00am this week and is accessible by clicking this link:
To listen to the Sunday morning worship songs for this week on Spotify, click this link:
Serving Needs:
As a special request, we would like to ask for donations of disinfectant sprays and disinfectant wipes to be used in our Noonday facilities each week, after our opening, for the safety and protection of all. These items are still hard to find but necessary for our weekly cleaning between services. Please bring to the church office.
Thank you to all who continue to bring in food donations for MUST Ministries to help provide for families in need in Cobb and Cherokee Counties.
We continue to pray for our government and first responders during this crisis. Please let us know how we can pray for you by adding your needs to our online prayer list at
This Sunday, we will respect non-touch guidelines and not pass an offering plate. There will be offering baskets at the doors of the Worship Center for you to drop your envelopes. You can also continue the giving of tithes and offerings in any of these ways:
Online on our website by clicking this link:
By mail to: Noonday Baptist Church, 4121 Canton Road, Marietta, GA 30066
You can pay through your personal online banking system by adding Noonday Baptist Church to your electronic bill pay.
“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
2 Corinthians 3:17
I look forward to our Fourth of July Celebration this Saturday where we will not only celebrate our country’s freedom but also the freedom that we share as brothers and sisters in Christ! Total Freedom is indeed something to be celebrated! Bring your lawn chairs, picnic blankets and snacks as we gather from 7:00-9:00pm on the baseball field on the West Campus to watch fireworks and share in fellowship. Remember that we are still in Phase One so let’s keep our distance and respect others as we gather from a 6-foot distance!
Have a blessed week!
Dr. Mark Somers,
Senior Pastor