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"Declare His glory among the nations,

His wonderful works among all peoples"

~Psalm 96:3


The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering will be received the entire month of December.  There are 3 ways to give: click the "Donate" button above to give online, or you can use the LMCO giving envelope found in the back of each chair in the sanctuary, or you can use your regular giving envelope and write "LMCO" on the outside.


 IMB lottie moon Week of Prayer                   

Week of Prayer for International Missions is an opportunity for churches to join in prayer for the work of missionaries who take the gospel to people in cities and extreme places.  It's also a time to reflect on giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering that supports them. 

To link to the International Mission Board  Daily Prayer Guide:

 Noonday Week of Prayer:   December 16 - 21 

This year once again, Noonday is setting aside a week of prayer specifically for our church missionary partners:

M & G (names withheld for safety reasons), serving in Central Asia, and The Whitentons, serving in Brazil.  Join us each day this week as we pray for specific requests from each of these families.


Central Asia is one of the most unreached regions in the world for the Gospel and one of the most difficult places for Christians.  Our missionary partners in this region, M & G and their precious family, remain anonymous for their own safety.  Days 1-3 focus on their most immediate prayer needs.  Click below to link to their daily prayer requests:


                 Pray Dec 16th                                                  Pray Dec 17th                                              Pray Dec 18th



Porto Alegre, Brazil is a beautiful city boasting of economic prosperity but the spiritual darkness is suffocating.  Our missionary partners in this region, The Whitenton family, need prayer warriors who are committed to storm the gates of hell to liberate these people who are darkly bound by the stronghold of spiritist movements, voodoo and satanic worship.  Days 4-6 focus on their most immediate prayer needs.  Click below to link to their daily prayer requests:


                Pray Dec 19th                                                  Pray Dec 20th                                               Pray Dec 21st




Click on the video below for a message from IMB President David Platt giving an update on what the IMB is doing around the world.














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Sunday Morning Worship @ 11:00am

Bible Studies for every age @ 9:30am

Wednesday Nights for all ages @ 6:15pm

4120 Canton Road Marietta GA 30166


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