The Whitenton family are missions partners of Noonday Baptist Church and have served as International Missionaries to Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil since 2007. This family serves as catalysts to encourage the local church to see the lost around them, as mentors to disciple young leaders, and as church planters. Currently they are working in areas of relationship building with local leaders/partners, leadership development, multiplying discipleship groups, evangelistic English ministry, and church planting. Future goals include developing their skills in use of social media and technology, expanding the English ministry, and a city mapping/prayer walking evangelism project. Porto Alegre is a beautiful city boasting of economic prosperity but the spiritual darkness is suffocating. They need prayer warriors who are willing to come and pray onsite with insight to storm the gates of hell to liberate the captive Gaucho people.

Our Missions Partners
The Whitenton Family
International Missionaries to
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Noonday's mission team to Brazil
Please pray for the great movement of God in Porto Alegre

Central Asia is one of the most unreached regions in the world for the Gospel and one of the most difficult places for Christians. Our missionary partners in this region remain anonymous for their own safety. Please be in prayer for our partners, for God's protection and His blessing on all that they are doing to shine His light on the people in this region.
Each year, a ministry team from Noonday travels to Cap Haitien to orchestrate and lead Vacation Bible School at Salt and Light Baptist church. In addition to running a VBS program, this team provides a medical clinic to the children and people of Haiti. Please be in prayer for the people of Haiti that the Holy Spirit will do a mighty work and equip them for spiritual warfare against the backdrop of a voodoo culture.
Since 2005, more than 4000 children have heard the Gospel through Vacation Bible School at Salt and Light Baptist Church, and over 200 children have come to faith in Christ. Some of these children are now serving in leadership postions in the church.